National Sense Of Smell Day | Sense Of Smell Day Cards | Sense Of Smell Day Ecards

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About National Sense Of Smell Day

National Sense Of Smell Day is a day celebrated specially by the Sense of Smell Institute, which teaches or makes people aware of how sense of smell works and what are its effects on our daily life. Research says that there is a big connection between what we taste and smell. Our sense of smell not only make us feel good but also sometimes alerts us about danger, enhances our alertness, helps us to sleep, improves our mood etc.

And to surprise you more, here are some interesting facts on your sense of smell:

>Our sense of smell is fully developed right from our birth

>Female infants have a stronger sense of smell than males (Cheers to all the females on that)

>One can recall or remember the entire event or personal moments just by smelling a familiar smell related to that event or moment (hummm…….)

>Every individual has a unique odor which is also his identity

>Sense of Smell has different effect on different people.

So guys as you read sense of smell has a great effect on ones mood but we intend to keep you happy and in good mood always. So to make every moment of yours a happy one here are some funny ecards on Sense Of Smell Day. These cards will make you laugh or even do ekkkk. But it’s only for fun as we have no intentions of showing any kind of disrespect to any person or institute or any event.

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